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当前位置:首页体育 — 体育运动中一些说法的翻译方法
来源:北京网    更新时间:2008/3/3 12:45:19  阅读[14556]
1. 创记录
e.g. had broken or chalked up 495 world records.
也可以说:produce a total of 495 world records.
set(up)/create/establish/make a new record.

2. 刷新记录
rewrite/renew/better/improve the world/one's own record

3. 其它
e.g. equal/match a record
reach a record
hold/keep the record for... 

4. 得冠军,得奖牌的表达方法
e.g. had won 582 world championships
也可以说:gain world titles/championships
take/capture 6 titles out of a possible 7
sweep all the 7 titles
wrest the championship from... 

5. 体育运动中的“实力”,“强项”怎么译?
“实力”可译作“strength””或“power”,如:Chinese athletes showed their traditional strength in some track and field events.
“实力”也可能形容词“powerful”或“strong”表达,如:Chinese women basketball players are very powerful/strong.
“强项”可译作“strong game/sport”。

6. “黑马”为什么是“dark”horse?
“黑马”是“dark”而不是“black”horse 这里dark的含义是“不清楚”,“不明朗”,表示对于某人“知道甚少”的意思。
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